Best used when applied to self.

Heaven (Enlightenment) is when all your regrets are erased.


The negation of nothingness is reflected in the opposites;
by clinging to the known.


Avoiding the void is the main activity of the mind.

Blue Guru


You can only believe in the false.
It is not possible to believe what is true.


Most people are pre-occupied thinking about
what they don't want and are wondering
why it shows up over and over again.


The seeker is he who is in search of himself.
~Nisargadatta Maharaj


We seek the nothingness only to find a way out of it...


When you resist anything, you resist yourself.
When you accept yourself, you accept everything.


Unless you know who you are,
you can't know who anyone is.


The things you need to see you can't see,
because you don't want to see.

Fear of the void radiates through
all of our choices and desires.

Your unfreedom is made of
rejection and avoidance.

The state of self-realisation is an effortless state.
Stress, tension, anxiety are expressions of the effort
to remain un-selfrealised.


Desire connects us to the world; fear connects us to the infinite.
Realisation of the self and realisation of the world appear together.


While ever one's personal history remains as
unconscious desire or habit, the silent void is inaccessible.


You cannot face your fears by definition,
but you can face your desires.
This is the way to freedom.


Just as on a sunny day the hand casts a shadow on the ground,
fear is the shadow cast by desire on the ground of consciousness.


Your whole life is the history of your avoidance of the void.


Your intelligence is hijacked by your desires.


Unless you are experiencing inner silence and expressing
unconditional love, your work has still not been done.


Any investigation of the mind is incomplete without
due consideration of the opposites. And in fact it is impossible.

Any investigation of the mind is incomplete without
due consideration of projections. And in fact it is impossible.


The opposite of your deepest fear is your deepest desire.


Until you are in the state of "I am" you are the captive of time,
always waiting for something to begin or end.
When you are in the state of "I am" you are time.


The mind can be known only by its imperfections.
The perfect mind is undetectable.


Divided mind - divided world.
Perfect mind - perfect world.


Two things are required for self realisation:
Freedom from conscious desires and
freedom from unconscious desires.

All desires divide the mind but
negative desires (don't wants)
are the most troublesome when they sink
below awareness and find indirect expression
in muscular tension and other bodily problems.


If you look for Truth outside yourself,
it gets further and further away.

“The truth about our intimate relationships is
that they can never be any better than
our relationship with ourselves.
How we are related to ourselves determines
not only the choice of the Other but
the quality of the relationship.
In fact, every intimate relationship tacitly
reveals who we were when we commenced it.
All relationships, therefore, are symptomatic
of the state of our inner life,
and no relationship can be any better
than our relationship to our own unconscious."
~ James Hollis


Poinciana Tree in Flower

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