
Psychodrama developed by Jacob L. Moreno M.D. (1889–1974) is an action method, in which participants by recreating real-life situations, and acting them out in the present, have the opportunity to evaluate their behaviour and more deeply understand a particular situation in their lives.

Moreno believed that the best way for an individual to restore balance in a situation is through creative spontaneity within the safety of a psychodrama session, that is, through a readiness to improvise and respond in the moment. Moreno developed his Theatre of Spontaneity, which he directed in Vienna in the early 1920s.

During a typical psychodrama session, a number of participants gather together. One of these participant is chosen by the group as the protagonist, and the director calls on the other participants to assist the protagonist's "performance," either by portraying other characters, or by utilising mirroring, doubling, or role reversal. This is obviously beneficial for the protagonist, but also is helpful to the other group members, allowing them to assume the role of another person and apply that experience to their own life.

Jacob Moreno