Byron Bay Region
Ananda Clinics
Byron BayTreatment Centre
Constellations Practice Group
Gestalt Therapy International
GROW Mental Wellness
Inner Calm Counselling
INTRA Drug Treatment 
Jiselle Saraghi Marriage Counsellor
Linda Grace - Sandplay
Mindfulness Psychotherapy
Modern Zen
Northern Rivers Social Council
Positive Relating 
Sabine Brosche
Sophia College 
The Bay Retreat
Trauma Healing
Brisbane Region
Brenda Sutherland
Inner Calm Counselling
Margarete Koenning
Positive Relating
The Awakening Group 
Family Constellation Network


Melbourne Region
Sabine Brosche
Brenda Sutherland
Hania Gorski
Family Constellation Network
The Awakening Group 
Sydney Region
Jonine Lee Gabay
Maria Dolenc
Suzanne Butz
Family Constellation Network


Global Region
Sabine Brosche
Effectiveness of Psychotherapy
Critical Psychiatry Network
MAPS Psychedelic Research
The Psychedelic Apprentice
Family Constellation Network